2016 in review
Ryan Pennington
As with one's yearly opportunity for personal introspection that the new year lends, it's usually a worthwhile proposition to revisit images in a similar manner. Often times it ends up being a fascinating exercise as it's easier for me to see general moods that influenced my work after the fact—hindsight is 20/20, I suppose.
While not as productive a year as 2015, isn't without its own depth. Looking through last year's photos I see a certain melancholy which isn't unexpected as it tends to be a pretty consistent theme in my work. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as it were, and I've found that contentedness isn't the most fruitful mindset for creating. Like most artistic endeavors, photography is meditative, therapeutic for me insofar that I—usually unwittingly—channel my current state-of-mind into the images I make.
That said, I'm thankful for that which 2016 has taught me and I look forward to 2017.
To you and yours, I wish you a happy new year!